Recommendations From Our CEO on Books, Movies, and More!

Success Academy CEO Eva Moskowitz shares some media recommendations to inspire great conversation with your children over the holiday season.

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Recommendations From Our CEO on Books, Movies, and More!

Recently, Success Academy’s CEO Eva Moskowitz released a book titled A+ Parenting that is brimming with resources for busy parents for raising thoughtful, intelligent kids. Everyday moments can be ripe opportunities for learning – whether through telling jokes, playing games, or watching a movie together. Eva shares tips and tricks for how to turn those small moments with your kids into an even more fulfilling and intellectually rich experience.

We are excited to share a sample of Eva’s movie and book recommendations with you and your family. We hope these titles will inspire some great conversation and make for a memorable way to spend time together this holiday season (or anytime)!


Want more recommendations? Make sure to order your own copy of A+ Parenting today!

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