Meet Readle Kineadle, Our Summer Reading Mascot

Download and print your very own Readle Kineadle, SA's summer reading mascot, to take on all your reading adventures this summer!

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We are thrilled to introduce you to Readle Kineadle, the Robertson Center’s very own summer reading mascot. Readle is a fox, a bookmark, and loves a good selfie.

Like all of us, Readle loves to go to new places in books. But as a 5” paper fox without a subway card, it’s tough for him to get around. So, he needs the help of every parent, student, educator, and bookworm. Here’s what to do:

  • Follow this link to download your very own Readle Kineadle (and this link for a color version). Print, color, customize, and bedazzle as you see fit.
  • Use Readle as a bookmark, taking him with you on all your summer reading adventures.
  • Every time you’re reading with Readle in or about a new place, snap a photo, and post on Instagram. Tag  @RobertsonCenter with the hashtag #AllBooked, and you’ll be entered to win a dream library from Lee & Low  Books, the largest multicultural book publisher in the country.   

With each post, you’ll be advancing the reading revolution, creating a digital scrapbook of your 2019 summer, and up your chances to win. Bring on the book recs — and if you need a few recommendations of your own to get started, check out this list.

Congrats to everyone taking a big ol’ breath at the end of another year in pursuit of extraordinary. We’ll be on the lookout for your digital postcards, and sending you nothing but love and admiration in the meantime. See you in the sunshine!

Questions about Readle Kineadle? Contact the Robertson team.

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