Engage — 1 minute
Build excitement around the lesson’s objective, which is always focused on making meaning of texts.
Direct Instruction (Model/Practice) — 5–7 minutes
Read aloud from a familiar text and demonstrate how it is related to the lesson’s objective.
Independent Reading/Targeted Teaching Time — 15–30 minutes (depends on the grade level)
- Scholars read independently.
- Spend 2–3 minutes working individually with 3–5 scholars to get to know them as readers by listening to them read, asking them questions, and giving them strategies to tackle their reading goals.
Partner Share — 3–5 minutes
- Scholars discuss their book with their partner.
- Listen to partnerships to determine if scholars are mastering the lesson’s objective. Choose scholars to model their thinking during the Whole-Class Share.
Whole-Class Share — 5–7 minutes
- Bring scholars together at the rug.
- Have a scholar model his thinking to reinforce the lesson’s objective.
- Have scholars discuss which great reading tactic the scholar used.