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Structure of a History Lab


Scholars prepare for the lesson in advance by reading a background essay to establish the context of a topic.

Do Now — 5 minutes

Scholars revise an Exit Ticket from the previous lesson or complete a series of Do Now questions to prepare for the lesson.

Context — 10 minutes

Scholars watch a video, listening to a podcast, or study other immersive media and discuss these sources, as well as their homework reading, to build their background knowledge. They discuss the main ideas in these sources and in their homework reading.

Investigate — 20 minutes

Scholars independently investigate historical sources to answer a question and find evidence to support their conclusions.

During this independent work time, the teacher strategically works with scholars 1:1 or in small groups to support their understanding of the texts and to determine trends in scholar work.

Discuss — 5 minutes

Scholars participate in a rich discussion to share and debate their findings from their study of historical sources. They support their ideas with textual evidence and their historical background knowledge.

Exit Ticket — 10 minutes

Scholars independently complete an Exit Ticket to demonstrate their mastery of the big idea from the lesson.


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