Talking to Kids about Racist Violence

This week, George Floyd will be buried in Houston. That means, as parents and caregivers, we now find ourselves in a position to help kids navigate something we’re struggling to process ourselves.


This week, George Floyd will be buried in Houston. That means, as parents and caregivers, we now find ourselves in a position to help kids navigate something we’re struggling to process ourselves. But a Black man was murdered on film, people across the country are standing up to say enough is enough, and we grown-ups must now help the kids we love make sense of it: the extreme violence, the daily injustices, the centuries of systemic oppression behind both. These conversations are as hard and heartbreaking as they are essential.

To everyone doing this essential meaning-making work: thank you. Our kids need us to be informed, intentional and thoughtful in this moment. We hope these resources help. If you have others we should know about, please send them our way.

Stay strong, everyone. Cheering you on.

• Talking to Kids About Race, National Geographic
• Q&A: How To Talk To Kids About George Floyd, NPR
• Resources for Talking with Kids about Race, Racism and Racialized Violence
• On Point Radio: How To Talk To Your Kids About Race, Racism And Police Violence, Embrace Race
• Let’s Raise a Generation of Children Who Are Thoughtful, Informed, and Brave About Race, Embrace Race
• How to Talk to your Children about Protests and Racism, American Academy of Pediatrics and CNN
• How to Talk to Kids About Race: Books and Resources That Can Help, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich

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